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Writer's pictureNita Wilkinson

The agony of love

Boom . . .

Boom. . . .

Boom . . .

I pounded the nail into the cross. Each hit reminded me of the pain of the nails, the suffering as His shoulders, elbows and wrists were dislocated and the fear He must have felt as His lungs collapsed making it more difficult to breath. It was so challenging to get the nail into the wood, I can’t imagine driving it through Jesus wrist and feet too.

“But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for iniquities: upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are our healed.” Isaiah 53:5

This was my first experience with Stations of the Cross and this particular station had a profound affect on me. It literally made my heart ache to think that my sin put Jesus in the position to take on this excruciating pain. Oh, the agony He endured because He loves me. I sat on my knees and sobbed.

How great is the love of a Savior that would do that for you and I? We read in John 15:13 how there is no greater love than laying down a life for a friend. How many of us have that kind of love for anyone? Is there anyone you would be willing give up a life of prosperity for? Who would you be willing to be beaten by a whip with balls of steel and shards of glass for? Whose face would you see as you hang in agony on that cross?

Jesus saw your face on the cross. He took the beating and the cross for you! He loves each and every one of us, even those that don’t love Him, with an amazing, reckless love that can never be shaken!

As I consider this amazing truth I often wonder, does Jesus feel that pain every time we sin? Could it be that our sins today can still cause that excruciating pain? Does He still live in agony because of His great love for us?

When someone pushes a child into human trafficking does Jesus feel those nails all over again?

Boom . . .

boom . . .

boom . . .

When an employee embezzles money from their company does He relive that dislocated shoulder?

Boom . . .

boom . . .

boom . . .

When I gossip does He fight to be able to take a breath?

Boom . . .

boom . . .

boom . . .

Someone asked me the other day if Jesus died for our sins, why does it matter if we sin, the sacrifice has already been made. My response was because we are called to take up the cross with Him and continue His work. And that is true, but when I think about His suffering, and when I consider that my sin could still cause Him pain, it brings me to my knees. I want to help Him carry that cross, I choose to continue His great work because I don’t want to be the reason He suffers. I know that in my humanness I will sin, but if I work to be more like Jesus every day His complete sacrifice is worth it.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4

This! This is why He suffered, because He wants to enjoy the new Jerusalem with you!

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