We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. He endured the shame of being nailed to a cross because he knew that later on, he would be glad he did. Now he is seated at the right side of God's throne! So keep your mind on Jesus, who put up with many insults from sinners. Then you won't get discouraged and give up. Hebrew 12:2-3
Keep your eye on the ball, the prize, the sparrow, Jesus. There are so many ways to say it, but it always means the same thing. Pay attention to the important. Don't lose sight of the need. Actually watch the ball to get a hit.
Our grandson plays baseball. He is at the coach pitch level. We have watched him grow into his batting as he learns where to plant his feet, how to put his hands on the bat, where his elbow should be etc. The mechanics are important, but the rest of those things don't matter if he isn't watching the ball.
Keep your eye on the prize.
I've been called to serve women. God has me reaching them in several ministries. I know who the women I serve are, although that might look different depending on the project. I understand in every instance encouragement is essential. I don't lose sight of the significance of their need for the Living Word wherever they are in life. I try to add the sparkle of love to all the pieces of the ministries. All of those components are important, but if I don't remember the purpose for serving, I lose the prize.
Keep your eye on the sparrow.
We need to be totally focused on our objective. We are each blessed with gifts that allow us to serve the ones God is leading us to. Our gifts might be compassion, administration, creativity, prayer, or something else. We might use those gifts in our town, the church, our home, or in another country. Maybe we share them through Bible study, a podcast, a friendly coffee, or filling a need. The scope of our service is significant, but if we lose sight of why we are serving, we miss the chance to grow God's kingdom.
Keep your eye on Jesus.
That's our purpose, to be bold and loud for Jesus. It seems so simple, and yet, if we don't keep our eye on the ball, we can lose ourselves in the mechanics, the components, and even the significant. When we keep our eyes on that ball and connect the bat with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, the deafening noise from that home run will be the angels singing Hallelujah to the highest!